Sunday, 12 May 2013

Aloe Vera Farming Practice India: Processing

The term Aloe used in medicine stands for the dried juice, which flows from the transversely cut bases of the leaves. For the processing of "Aloe", the juice is allowed to drain from the cut leaves into vessels and then concentrated by evaporation, either spontaneously or frequently by boiling. The juice is colorless or yellow when obtained fresh from the leaves but becomes dark brown due to evaporation and boiling. Sun dried or concentrated "Aloe" juice over a fire gives an amorphous, opaque, waxy extract called hepatic or livery aloe. When the juice is concentrated rapidly over a strong fire, the product obtained on cooling is amorphous and semitransparent and is called "glassy" or "vitreous" aloe.

Besides the dry juice, gel is also very important product of Aloe Vera, The mucilaginous pulp from the leaf, which is mainly carbohydrate in nature, is used in cosmetic industries and also in treatment of many human diseases. The leaves left over after the removal of their exudates is cut open and mucilage is scraped out with a blunt edged knife for isolation of gel. Extracted mucilage is stirred vigorously in a blender to make it homogeneous mixture (solution). This mixture is strained with the help of muslin cloth and then filtered. The gel is precipitated from the extract slowly adding acetone while stirring. This whole content is kept for overnight and the gel is isolated by centrifugation. The gel is re-dissolved in slightly warm water and transferred to a tube of known weight. It is dried at a high temperature(below 100 C)

Aloe Vera Farming Practice India: Marketing

Marketing of leaves of Aloe vera is not well organized in our country. However, in the recent past, a lot of interest has been shown for its cultivation as well as marketing looking to its international demand. Therefore, one should ascertain its demand in the local market or one must establish contact for its sale, before taking up its commercial cultivation.

Aloe Vera Farming Practice India: Harvesting and Yield

An aloe plantation gives commercial yield from second year to fifth year of transplanting. Generally 3-4 pickings per year can be taken depending upon the growth of plants. On an average 15-20 t/ha of fresh leaf is obtained from second year plantation. However well managed irrigated crop can give upto 30-35 t/ha fresh leaf. Fully developed mature leaves should be harvested for extraction of aloe juice. 

Aloe Vera Farming Practice India: Insect Pest & Diseases

Not much problem of insect pests and diseases have been observed in this crop from any part of the country. however mealy  bug, anthracnose and leaf spot have been reported from some parts of the country. Some time termite problem has also been observed which can be easily managed by giving a light irrigation.

Aloe Vera Farming Practice India: Intercropping

During the first year of planting, more than 40% land remains unutilized thus an attempt should be made to utilize the field in effective manner. For this purpose, suitable leguminous or less competitive  intercrops like cluster bean, groundnut, sesame, isabgol, corriander, cumin etc could be grown successfully in the interspaces under arid and semiarid condition that can generate additional income. Besides, the soil condition will also improve with leguminous crops. Second year onwards such crops may not be encouraged otherwise foliage yield and quality of the produce will be adversely affected.

Aloe Vera Farming Practice India: Interculture

The field should be kept weed free throughout the growing period of the crop. two or three hand weeding followed by light hoeing per year promote growth and suckering in Aloe. First weeding and hoeing should be completed within a month of planting. However in subsequent years two weeding cum light hoeing in each year is found to be sufficient to minimize the weed population in the field. Unproductive and diseased plants and dried flower stakes must be removed regularly.

Aloe Vera Farming Practice India: Irrigation

The crop withstands stress conditions very well but to get good crop, irrigation at critical stages of growth must be given. First irrigation is required just after planting of suckers followed by 2-3 irrigation till plant gets established. However 4-6 irrigation per year may be enough for proper growth of the plants. After each picking light irrigation may be given depending on the availability of water.

Aloe Vera Farming Practice India: Manuring

In general the crop responds well to application of manure (FYM or compost) About 10-15 tonnes of FYM may be applied at the time of soil preparation and also in subsequent years. But, it is not a common practice since this crop is cultivated in marginal and sub-marginal lands. If sufficient quantity of wood ash is available can be applied in the pits at the time of planting that helps in establishment of plants and their subsequent growth. 

Aloe Vera Farming Practice India: Spacing and Planting

Suckers are planted in about 15cm deep pits made just at the time of planting at 60 x 60 cm apart. After planting of suckers the soil around the root zone must be firmly pressed and drainage must be made proper to avoid water stagnation. About 28,000 to 38,000 suckers are needed for one hectare planting.

Aloe Vera Farming Practice India: Planting Material

Planting material recommended for commercial cultivation is by suckers only. About 3-4 month old suckers having four to five leaves and about 20-25 cm in length are used as planting material.

Aloe Vera Farming Practice India: Varieties/Genotypes

Released varieties of Aloe Vera are not available in India. However some high aloin content (20.7 to 22.8%)  genotypes identified by the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi such as IC-111271, IC-111280, IC-111269 and IC-111273 may be cultivated.

Aloe Vera Farming Practice India: Planting Time

Suckers should be planted in July-August during monsoon season to get better field survival and subsequent growth of the plants. However under irrigated condition, planting can be done all-around the year except in winter months.(November-February)

Aloe Vera Farming Practice India: Land Preparation

The soil should not be disturbed too deep as the root system of aloe does not penetrate below 20-30cm. Depending upon the soil type and agro-climatic condition, 1-2 ploughing followed by levelling may be done. Field may be divided into suitable sized plots (10-15m x 3m) considering the slope and source of irrigation available. 

Aloe Vera Farming Practice India: Soil

Aloe vera is grown successfully in marginal to submarginal soils having low fertilty. The plants have tendency to tolerate high pH with high Na and K salts. however, it is observed that its growth was faster under medium fertile heavier soil such as black cotton soil from central india. though well drained loam to coarse sandy soil with moderate fertility and pH upto 8.5 (alkaline) are preferred for its commercial cultivation.

Aloe Vera Farming Practice India: Climate

Aloe vera is grown in almost all parts of India, even under constant drought conditions. However crops grow well in entire tropical and sub-tropical regions. Since its water requirements is very low, it is best suited for cultivation in arid and semi-arid regions specially in Rajasthan, Gujarat,Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.

Aloe Vera Farming Practice: Introduction

Aloe barbadensis Mill. popularly known as Aloe Vera originated in the warm, dry climates of Africa. However, because of its wide adaptability as well as its importance as medicinal plants, it is well distributed.

The virtues of the plant have been recorded by many great civilizations, from those of Persia and Egypt in the Middle East, to those of Greece and Italy in Europe, to those of India and the African continent. The plant is widely known in Asia and the Pacific, and is found in the folklore of the Japanese, the Philippines and the Hawaiians. The Spanish used Aloe, and carried it with them to their new world colonies in South America and the Caribbean. In each age, on each continent, in each culture, Aloe vera has drawn the attention of the most sophisticated minds.
In India, it is grown commercially for its high demand in cosmetic industries as well as in Indian System of Medicines. The succulent leaves are economic part of this plant. Aloe is known by several names in India as Ghrit Kumari, Kunvar pathu and Indian Aloe. Its multifarious uses as medicinal plants, vegetable, pickle making etc. has inspired growers for commercial cultivation in many parts of the country. The gel produced from its mature leaves is used in cosmetic industry for preparation of shampoo, face creams and moisturising agents.

The characteristic bitter taste of Aloe vera leaves possesses many medicinal properties. the leaves are alterative, stomachic, aphordisiac, cathartic, emmenagogic, astringent, antidotal, anthelminitic and hepatic stimulant. After removing the skin of leaves, they are given in fevers, enlargement of liver, spleen and other glands, skin diseases, gonorrhoea, constipation, menstrual suppression, piles, jaundice, rheumatic diseases and for treatment of burns and bruises.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Aloe Vera Farming Practice India: Preface

This is a document prepared in 2002 by National Research Center for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.

The first detailed discussion of Aloe's medicinal value is probably that which is found in Papyrus ebers, an Egyptian document written about 1550 B.C. This document gives 12 formulas for mixing Aloe with other agents to treat both internal and external human disorders. The first milestone in Western man's detailed understanding of medicinal plants is the work of Hippocrites (460 B.C -375 B.C), the father of modern medicine (doctors today still take the Hippocratic Oath) His Materia Medica makes no direct mention of Aloe, but during the same period, according to Chopra's Indigenous Drugs of India, this plant came into widespread use. Interestingly Chopra writes, "The use of Aloes, the common musabbar, for external application to inflamed painful parts of the body and for causing purgation [internal cleansing] are too well known in India to need any special mention"

At present, Aloe vera has little official standing in the western medical community. In spite of the lack of official promotion, it is among the most widely used substances in the U.S. for the treatment of burns and bruises. Additionally it is used in a plethora of cosmetics, and also consumed as a health drink. While it has not yet won the full endorsement of the medical community, serious examination continues. at moment, it may be taken as an indication of serious nature of such a study that the FDA has approved development aimed at the eventual use of Aloe Vera in the treatment of cancer and AIDS! more and more attention is turning to Aloe's un-examined possibilities as a powerful healing agent.

This crop has rightly been included as one of the mandated crops of NRC for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for in-depth investigations. Package of practices presented in this bulletin is to provide information to the farmers available so far which of course needs refinement on future.

I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Dr Gautam Kallo, Deputy Director General (Horticulture) and Dr. R.N. Pal, Asstant Director General (Plantation Crops) for the encouragement that I received time to time for this publication. Assistance of Kunal Mandal, Scientist (Plant Pathology) for printing and Mr. Suresh Patelia, for secretarial help is also acknowledged

Anand Feb 7,2002                                   Satyabrata Maiti

Aloe Vera leaf and runners for sale

Aloe Vera Runners are available for sale in Herbertpur Vikas Nagar Dehradun
Price per Runner: Rs1/= per runner(sapling)

Aloe Vera Leaves for sale in Herbertpur, Vikas Nagar Dehradun
Price per Kg of Aloe Vera Leaf: Rs 5/Kg

Gayathri Farm
Haripur Shakti Canal Road
P.O Herbertpur,
Dist Dehradun
Pin: 248142

Contact: +91 8191969562